Jul 30, 2009
Just Quiet
Jul 26, 2009
3 Days Gone Again
Friday with my to-do list in hand I headed out to start the process of legally changing my name. Yes, it has taken me just over 2 months to even get started on this, but man is there a lot that has to be done. After a few stops at different buildings were things went pretty smooth, I headed to Michael's craft store to pick up a few things that I've been wanting to dabble with. Then I stopped at Ross to get Jason a few new shirts for his new job. After my errands I drove to Castle Rock were I was meeting Kristin and little baby Landon for lunch. It was so fun to just hold the little guy as we caught up on the past month. What a cute baby! Jason came home from work and we headed out to dinner at our favorite White Chocolate Grill - the date night special wasn't on their menu any longer, but we asked and they were so kind to grant us the special. It was so nice to just enjoy a nice dinner out together. It had been a very long time since we were able to do that.
Saturday we started out very early and headed to lake with Jason's parents and family friends. We spent the day eating, water skiing, tubing and even this new thing that I had never seen - wake surfing. You literally ride the wake of the boat on a surf board, no rope. We BBQed dinner and hung around the camp fire. It was such a pleasant day, minus a few bug bites. Jason really enjoyed being able to get back out on a water ski as he hadn't been in YEARS...
Jul 22, 2009
Getting Lost
Today on my of my most favorite blogs, Ali Edwards pointed to a site that just struck me with a wave of emotion. You must take a look at Phillip Toledano's work, it is just so filled with power.
One of posts is a photo of a notebook of scribbled writings by Phillip's 98 year-old dad, his dad's remarks "I want to think seriously about what I can accomplish with what's left of my life." I aspire to be 98 and still challenging myself to live more, live fuller.
I'm embarking on a few new projects that I'll be sharing in the coming weeks, just in time for my 26th birthday.
May the sun shine on you today.
Jul 20, 2009
A New Beginning
Friday night we enjoyed date night on the cheap with a BOGO offer at Bombay Bowl. Overall I give it a thumbs up, but it was a little rocky at first. For one, the menu was a little confusing for me, even though it functions the same as all fast casuals. I wish were given samples of some of the sauces. When my shrimp first came out it was still not fully cooked, so I had to wait for my meal. The portions are large and very flavorful. The bread was the best for only $1, however stay away from the date roll, that was not good. Nice to have another fast casual option.
Saturday I joined my mom for lunch and pedicures, then we drove up to Jason's mom's Pampered Chef party. Jason meet me up there after the party so we could celebrate his mom's birthday. It was a lovely evening and I left very full for the days festivities.
Yesterday we ran the typical errands and then went to celebrate the baptism of Kristin & Eric's son Landon. It was a great event, followed by cake, snacks, and drinks.
Back to Monday morning, hard to believe we are coming up so quickly on the end of July.
Jul 17, 2009
Calling on All Good Vibes
Jul 15, 2009
Road Trip Report Day 4 (and sorta 5)
Jul 14, 2009
Road Trip Report Day 3
Happy Basitlle Day
{Treasure Life}
Jul 13, 2009
We take a break
Road Trip Report Day 2
Jul 12, 2009
Road Trip Report Day 1
I slept for a little that morning, waking for breakfast in Casper, WY. I don't remember WY being such a beautiful state. The rolling hills were green and screaming of the American way of life.
Finally we hit the Montana state border. I had never crossed over into this great state and expected the sky to be bigger right away.
Here the sky felt bigger.
Following the rehearsal dinner we headed back to Chico and enjoyed the cleanest hot springs. It didn't smell of rotten eggs. We relaxed, we soaked, we enjoyed the company before hitting the hay in preparation of the next busy day.
Jul 5, 2009
Happy Weekend
Happy Freedom.
My favorite fireworks, snakes and smoke bombs. Oh the weekend was wonderful.
Friday we headed to the Cherry Creek Arts Festival. It was so fun to just walk around looking at the art and playing in the sun. Came home and took a nap. Ate salad for dinner and then dozed while Jason watched the Rockies game. I love lazy days.
Saturday was a very Happy 4th of July. We woke up and went to the pool even though the sun wasn't really up for the fun at that point. It was cool and cloudy. Came back, took another nap and then headed to Jason's Aunt & Uncle's for some BBQ. We played lawn games, ate lots of ribs, salads and watermelon. Then Jason and I headed to watch fireworks. The display we saw outside of Fiddler's Green left something to be desired.
Today we again went to the pool and this time the sun was out and it was beautiful. Now just getting ready for the exciting week ahead.
Jul 1, 2009
You Can Be a Winner
I entered!
Zen Like
It's one of my goals for the year. Read a great article called The 10 Essential Rules for Slowing Down. Hoping to have a slow, nice, long holiday weekend. I think my problem is I get so excited for it all to happen that I just rush from one activity to the next, instead of really taking time to breathe in the moment.
Taking a moment to breathe right now.